Wednesday 11 November 2020

7 Fun iPhone Features You Didn’t Know About

7 Fun iPhone Features

You Didn’t Know About

hidden iphone features: iPhone screen showing "block unknown caller" setting and text that reads "wait, what?!:


Hidden Capabilities That Will Make You Love Your iPhone Even More 


As a lifelong iPhone user, I figured decades of using my phone every day meant I knew every little secret my favorite tech had to offer me. But I realized recently that while I can swipe through Safari with ease, and expertly navigate the Apple app store, there were a plethora of other incredible iPhones features and tools I was missing out on.

After all, most of us don’t really have time to learn EVERYTHING our amazing little devices can do…

Which is exactly why I decided to dig up these secret iPhone capabilities and Apple easter eggs to share with you! I thought I knew my phone backwards and forwards, but this list includes hidden iPhone features that I’d never even heard of before. Check it out!


1. Swipe Texting

Many former Android owners, like myself, recall having to give up their beloved “Swipe Texting” when making the switch to Apple products. Swipe texting is a feature that allows you to compose a text, e-mail, or any document by swiping entire words, instead of tapping individual letters. Finally, after years of waiting, a similar swipe texting feature (or, as Apple calls it, “QuickPath”) is now available for the iPhone and other Apple devices through the iOS 13 update! 


To take advantage of this neat feature, there’s no need to download a special keyboard or enable a particular setting. You can just get right to swiping on your normal keyboard! Instead of picking up your finger to type every individual letter, just slide your finger from letter to letter until you’ve formed a word. 


This function allows you to easily type single-handed, and is a much faster option than tapping letters one at a time with both thumbs. If you’re an early Apple adopter and not used to swiping yet, it may take a little getting used to. But once you get the hang of it, this cool hidden iOS feature can come in handy for almost every conversation.


2. Emphasized Texting

You may think iMessaging on your iPhone is the same as texting on any other device, but it’s actually full of little surprises that many people don’t know about! There’s a reason iPhone users dread messaging someone new only to see that text bubble turn green. Part of that reason is because when iMessage users text non-iPhone users, they aren’t able to take advantage of their exclusive iPhone features.


A lot of people are already aware of the reactions feature, which allows you to select a “reaction” to give a particular text– but did you know you can add a little flair to your texts as well? There’s a hidden iMessage feature where you can emphasize or add effects to the texts you send to fellow iPhone users.


To access this feature, simply open an iMessage conversation, type what you would like to say, then press and hold the blue “Send Arrow.” This send button will open up a menu of effects you can attach to your messages. There are two categories that show up: “Bubble,” in which the effect is limited to the text bubble itself, or “Screen,” where you get full screen effects over the entire window. It’s a great way to spice up your messages!


3. iMessage Effects

In addition to emphasized texts, iMessage also has specific words or sayings that will trigger secret messaging effects. A lot of people don’t find out about these secret iMessage features and effects until they go to wish their friend “Happy Birthday” and are surprised to see balloons and streamers fly across the screen. Below is a list of iMessage’s trigger words and sayings, so you can play around with these cool effects any time. 


  • Happy New Year/Chinese New Year – Fireworks
  • Happy Birthday – Balloons
  • Congrats/Congratulations – Confetti
  •  “Pew Pew” –  Laser Show


(The Happy Birthday and Congratulations effects also work with a ton of other languages!)


4. Bedtime vs. Alarm

I’ve actually been using this function for a couple years now, so I was surprised to hear recently that none of my friends had heard of it! “Bedtime” is located under the “Clock” app of your iPhone. Lots of people utilize the “Alarm” tab and don’t even notice the section labeled “Bedtime,” but this feature is so much more customizable (and informative) than just simply setting an alarm.


With this feature, you can set an assigned bedtime for any day of the week. Once you’ve set a bedtime, your iPhone will actually remind you when it is time to head to bed, and even automatically set your phone to “Do Not Disturb” mode during your designated sleep time. 


You can also set a wake-up time, which can be customized by day. “Bedtime” will also show you how much sleep you’ll be getting each night, based on your set bedtime. Within this section, you will also see a sleep analysis, based on when you actually set down your phone. The information gathered from this feature can be aso paired with your Health App on your iPhone. 


This is by far the hidden feature I use the most often, and I seriously could not recommend it more. It’s so much more helpful than just simply setting an alarm, and really gives you some insight into your sleeping schedule; and helps you stay on track so you stop hitting snooze. 


5. Notes Scanner

Have you ever been asked to scan and send a copy of a document, and realized in a panic that you hadn’t used an actual copy machine or scanner in years? You aren’t alone; but no need to fear.. There’s actually a scanner built right into your iPhone!


All you have to do is open your “Notes” app, open a new note, and click the “Camera” button on the screen. You will then see a selection for “Scan Documents”. Now, just place your document on a flat well-lit surface and take a photo.


You can then drag the edges to center the document and then when you are happy with it, select “Keep Document”. Voila! There you have it: a scanned document, without the hassle of having to drive down to your local office supply store


6. Measure App

An incredibly useful tool called the “Measure App” was added to the iPhone with the iOS 12 update. So many people had NO CLUE this thing existed– including myself, before writing this article. And it’s a lifesaver!  


I’m always misplacing my measuring tape, so I was thrilled to learn that as long as I have my phone, there’s another measuring option right in my pocket. The Measure app uses augmented reality to measure things with your iPhone’s camera. It’s super easy to use, too. 


Just open up the app, scan the room with your phone, and when a circle appears, place it at your starting point and press the “+”. Next, move to your endpoint and press “+” once more. After that, the screen should display your item’s measurement. It’s that simple!


7. Bye-Bye, Robocalls!

Believe it or not, you DON’T need to pay for an external app to stop these pesky robocalls from coming in! Your iPhone actually has a little-known setting that will silence all calls from unknown callers. It won’t actually block the call, but it will forward it straight to voicemail without your phone ringing.


To set up this feature, open your “Settings” menu, select “Phone” and then enable “Silence Unknown Callers”. Before I enabled this feature, I was running to my phone for at least 4 robocalls a day. Since I turned it on a few days ago, I’ve gotten ZERO– and I could NOT be happier! THANK YOU, APPLE!


Considering the high sticker price for Apple phones, it’s crucial to keep up with the latest features and updates if you truly want to take full advantage of your cutting-edge piece of tech. But sometimes we just don’t know where to find the kind of tools that could be helpful, or don’t have the time to figure out how they work.


Hopefully this list of all the cool things you didn’t know your iPhone could do helps you fall even more in love with your phone’s features! I hope you enjoy using your iPhone to the fullest. 


And if your iPhone won’t work properly, feel free to talk to your local experts at uBreakiFix for a free diagnostic.

This article was written by members of the uBreakiFix Creative and Marketing teams and has not been authorized, sponsored, or otherwise approved by Apple Inc.

The post 7 Fun iPhone Features You Didn’t Know About appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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6 Hidden Android Features We Bet You Didn’t Know About



6 Cool Android Features

We Bet You Didn’t Know About

hidden android features: android screen running 2 applications and text that reads "two screens at once!"

Unleash your phone’s full power with these hidden tools.


Let’s face it; it’s easy to fall into a rut with your phone usage. We get trapped toggling between the same old apps over and over, somehow forgetting these devices are always being updated with new tools and tricks. 

There are teams of techs out there whose sole purpose is to create features aimed to make our lives easier, or awesome additions that are just plain fun! In this article, we’ll explore some of the lesser-known capabilities that your Android has to offer, so you can take full advantage of your device. Try these fun hidden Android features out!


1. Chrome Split Screen

Do you ever get annoyed having to flip back and forth from Chrome to another application? With Chrome’s “Split Screen” feature, you don’t have to. This is such a cool tool; it allows you to view a Chrome webpage and run another app at the same time on one screen. If you love to multitask, this capability is a major must-have!


To activate split-screen, first tap on your Chrome application you’d like to use. Press and hold the center navigation button on the bottom of the screen (or bottom of your phone, if you have a physical button), then swipe upward. The app window will be highlighted, and options for either “App Info” or “Split Screen” will appear. Select “Split Screen,” and it will let you pick another app. Even better?

This doesn’t just work with Chrome; you can split screens with any two applications, as long they support this feature. In the split-screen mode, you can even copy and drag text directly into your other application. So if, let’s say, you found a really cool quote online and wanted to send it in a message? Simply split your screen with your messaging application, copy the text, then drag and drop. It’s as easy as that! 



2. Google Assistant Games

You’ve probably already realized the built-in Google Assistant on your Android device is a pretty handy tool, but did you know it can be fun too? That’s right! It’s not just for asking quick questions or turning on your bedroom lights. You can actually play specially made games right within your Google Assistant. Just go to your Google Assistant Settings or simply say “Show me Settings,” then scroll down to “Games & Fun.”


With Google Assistant games, your phone can quiz you on any topic you are interested in or you can download and play verbal games such as “The Game of Castle” with your in-phone assistant. You can even have your fortune told! If you get bored and want a fun playmate, we definitely advise giving your Google Assistant a try. Check out the full list of Google Assistant games here.


3. Real-Time Translations 

This nifty little feature is made possible by the “Gboard,” Google’s standard keyboard. A lot of people don’t realize that you have the ability to quickly translate text as you type in real-time! With real-time translations, there’s no need to need to flip back and forth between your text and a translation app.


To start, simply press the “G” symbol on your Gboard. Then select the Google Translate logo (it’s a “G” next to the Chinese character 文 on a background that folds from blue to grey). Now, select the languages you would like to work with. Type what you would like to say and you will see a preview of the translated text. 


Once you find the translation you’d like, select the checkmark and it will be translated! This secret Android feature is incredibly easy to use, and can really broaden your horizons when you’re trying to communicate quickly.



4. Flip Silencing

Flip silencing your Android phone is an excellent feature; and one that requires very little effort to use. Thanks to this feature, your phone’s ringtone can quickly be silenced in one simple step– just flip it over! Androids automatically silence themselves when the device is turned screen-side down. 


This is a really convenient capability; especially for those of us who don’t like to keep our phones on silent all the time, but also hate fumbling around awkwardly to find the volume button when a call comes in at an inopportune moment. 

Added bonus? It means you get used to flipping your phone down when you’d like to pay full attention to your surroundings. Like a healthy habit for mindfulness, embedded right into your everyday tech.


5. Guest Mode

Have you ever had to show someone something on your phone, but got nervous that they might swipe the wrong way and see something they shouldn’t have? Or want to walk away, but feel too worried they’ll snoop around on your phone? If this has ever happened to you, we definitely recommend taking advantage of “Guest Mode.” This Android feature allows you to switch into a guest user account on your phone that limits access to your private information and data. 


To enter into this mode, use two fingers to swipe down on the home screen. You should see a “Guest” icon appear. Once you select this icon, your phone will be put into what’s known as “Guest Mode.” Now you can safely hand over your phone without fear!


6. Personal Reminders

Life is constantly throwing so much at us that it can be difficult to remember even just little things like “What items did I need to return today?” or “Where did I place that folder?” If you’d like a reminder to keep track of the thousand things on your mind, why not have your Google Assistant remember things for you?


In addition to keeping track of your schedule and letting you know if you have a meeting scheduled, your Google Assistant can also serve as a sort of second brain by reminding you of whatever you’d like it to remember for you. To access this feature, just tell your Google Assistant “Remember….” and whatever you would like it to remember. When you need to be reminded just say “Remind Me.” This is such an easy feature to use, but can save you from a lot of headaches and heartache.


People absolutely love their Android phones, and for good reason! They have so many powerful capabilities, and are incredibly customizable. We often get stuck using the same features and apps that we’re already used to, instead of upgrading or trying something new.


But now that we’ve introduced you to a couple of the very useful hidden features on your Android phone, there’s no excuse for falling in a phone rut. Go try them out for yourself!


And if the only thing surprising about your Android device right now is that it’s not working, bring it in to your local uBreakiFix. Diagnostics are always free, and we’re happy to help.

The post 6 Hidden Android Features We Bet You Didn’t Know About appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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Wednesday 4 November 2020

Fixes to Fuel the Soul: Sarah The Triceratops

Sometimes old tech takes on a life of its own. Retro gear helps us bring the past into the present, whether your memories are tied to a VHS player you vividly remember hitting rewind on repeatedly or an heirloom sewing machine that’s centuries old. 


And that makes it all the more heartbreaking when our old devices fail to function properly. Their sentimental value means they can’t be easily replaced, and parts can be hard to track down if you’re not an expert. 


That’s where uBreakiFix comes in.


As experts in the repair game, we pride ourselves on being able to fix anything with a power button– old or new. We love fixing all sorts of tech, and some stories stand out among the rest.


 Like Sara the Triceratops.



Our training team got a brand-new challenge when Zoraida brought in her child’s broken Triceratops toy. It had been a lucky thrift store find of hers a few months back, only $90 for a dream-toy that normally costs around $500. It worked for a while after she brought it home (just long enough for her child to fall in love with it), but the original batteries were still in the terminal.

And, as old tech tends to, it had begun to rust. These old batteries eventually rusted over and corroded the terminal entirely. She could clearly see the batteries were still making contact, but as soon as she tried to change them, Sara stopped coming to life.



Zoraida brought Sara to the training team for some assistance. The team put their heads together and quickly realized Sara’s repair, which likely would have immediately been dismissed as a lost cause by other stores, was actually an extremely simple fix.

The team removed the corroded, rusty battery terminals and installed new ones. To fit the new battery terminals in properly, the techs had to shave and reshape the plastic housing it would fit into. 


Next, they installed new wiring to the motor, rewiring the two leads for the positive and negative feed. Luckily, the motor and the plastic bits on Sara’s insides were all still intact and in working condition, despite the rusted-out old terminals. Luckily, a little corrosion doesn’t scare our team; we’re used to seeing all kinds of hardware gore, so saving Sara was a breeze.

The team had to cut open the fabric around the power source to get at it initially, but they were able to stitch it back together nicely after installing the new terminals and wires. 

The entire repair was completed in under an hour; and the smile on the family’s face when they finally brought Sara back to life was worth its weight in gold.

While this little dino will certainly make the list of the most interesting things we have repaired, it just goes to show– we’ll truly fix anything with a power button. 

The post Fixes to Fuel the Soul: Sarah The Triceratops appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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Wednesday 28 October 2020

Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protect Yourself From Online Scares

Avoid Internet scares and identity theft issues with our tips to stay safe this October.


red illusration of phone with lock, shield and key icons surrounding them


As the designated “scary season,” October is the ideal month to focus on staying safe online. And this year, with more people using the internet for school, socializing, and work than ever, it’s even more important for you to protect your digital devices. Avoid chilling cybercrimes that could compromise your data security this Cybersecurity Awareness Month by following our expert tips. They’re so simple, you can do them during a horror movie marathon, or while you’re brainstorming costume ideas.


Check your online activity.


There’s more than one reason October is the perfect time to celebrate Cybersecurity Awareness. Online purchases and individual spending go way up around the holiday season– and so do cybercrimes and hacking attempts. Get prepared before Christmas shopping ramps up on Black Friday and Cyber Monday by ensuring your online data is secure well ahead of time. 


Double-check your important account information. Every 3 months or so, go through the information on your most important accounts. That should include your business and primary email addresses, online banking, bill payments, and any other payment option you use. Ensure your passwords are secure, and take a quick look through your bank statements online to ensure nothing fishy is going on under your nose. It can take a surprisingly long time for someone to report fraudulent account activity. And it’s much more likely to slip by if you don’t regularly check your online account, or if the cybercriminal is taking smaller amounts over a long period of time instead of one large chunk of money at once.


• Do regular tune-ups.


You already know that it’s important to clean the gutters and check your smoke alarm batteries twice a year. But are you providing the same kind of maintenance for your online appliances? By 2021, annual damage related to cybercrime is projected to hit $6 trillion. That’s a lot of dough! 


Protect your investments by taking proper precautions with your home security, outside and in. You should check your online security at least once a year.  Keep software systems up-to-date, back up your hard-drive information, and verify antivirus software works properly. External hard drives are a great option for backing up information. Alternatively, you can sign up with DropBox, iCloud, or other online data providers to keep important information copied in the cloud.

After 2020 has made the message clear– when it comes to viruses, prevention is worth an ounce of cure. 


• Use 2-step verification.


2-step verification, also known as 2-factor authentication (or 2FA), is exactly what it sounds like; a security system that requires 2 distinct forms of id to access. Ever get a text with a security code to access an online account? Then you’ve used 2FA before. It might be a little annoying to have to look at more than one screen in order to log in to your devices. But trust us; the mild inconvenience is well worth the extra security this step adds.


Many hackers are able to force their way in through brute force attacks, which use computerized algorithms to form countless potential password solutions using commonly found online information like birth dates or pet names. By using 2-step verification, this type of hacking attempt is almost impossible to use successfully.


The first step is typically a password, while the second generally uses a pin number, biometrics (such as a scan of your face, fingerprint or retina), or a timed token.  While 2FA is a great way to up your security online with ease, it’s not completely foolproof; you should still always exercise caution while browsing the web. 


We hope these tips help you stay safe this October, and the rest of your online existence! For more cybersecurity tips, check out our post on busting cybercrime before it starts.

The post Cybersecurity Awareness Month: Protect Yourself From Online Scares appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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Friday 23 October 2020

8 Ways to Fix Joy-Con Drift for Good

How to Fix a Drifting Nintendo Joy-Con Analog Stick


Who doesn’t absolutely love their Nintendo Switch?! It combines all the amazing things about a portable gaming device and a home console. Unfortunately, the only downside to the Switch is the all-too-common Joy-Con drift issue. This dysfunction has been a leading complaint about Nintendo’s top-selling gaming consoles. We know how annoying it can be to deal with drift in your controllers when you’re trying to enjoy a game. So, we set out to understand what exactly causes these control issues, and put together this list of 8 common Q&As about Nintendo Joy-Con drift fixes for you.


What is Joy-Con drift, exactly?

Joy-Con drift is one of the biggest issues plaguing Switch users across the world. Drift is when a controller seemingly moves around without the player touching the thumbsticks. Joy-Con Drift can be very frustrating to gamers! It can lead to the camera randomly panning in different directions or non-instructed movements of characters in your game. There is nothing more annoying than setting down your Switch to grab a quick drink, then coming back to find your character on the wrong side of the map wandering aimlessly. 🤦🏻‍♀️


What is Joy-Con drift caused by?

Joy-Con drift can often be attributed to one of two major factors: Software/hardware issues or dirt & grime build-up. No matter the cause, drift can be down right infuriating to the point where you don’t even want to play on your Switch. Don’t let this issue take away your love for this amazing console. Keep reading to find out ways to fix your Joy-Cons’ drift issue. 


What DIY Joy-Con drift fixes can I try?

Whether a software issue or just dirt, we’ve put together a list of easy fixes for those of you who are experiencing Joy-Con drift on your console. Below are a few things to try and get rid of that drift so that you are back up and gaming in no time.


Update your Controllers:  Sometimes drift in our Joy-Con controllers can be due to a minor software issue. Thankfully, this can be addressed through a simple controller update. To do this, go to the setting menu on your Switch. Then, select “Controllers” and then choose “Update Controllers”. 


Recalibrate the Joy-Con Thumb Sticks: Another way to correct a minor software issue would be to recalibrate the thumbsticks themselves. This can be fixed by going to your Switch’s “System Settings” menu. Then, select “Controllers and Sensors and from there select “Calibrate Control Sticks” and follow the instructions given. 


Clean your Joy-Cons: The drift in your Joy-Con could be due to natural build-up of dirt & grime inside of the thumbstick. As most of us are not console repair technicians, we do not advise you to take your controller apart to clean it. The easiest way to address this issue is by using compressed air. Compressed air cleaners can be found in the Electronics department of most stores. Follow the instructions given on the can carefully. Move your thumbstick around spraying air at different angles to loosen and remove any build-up. 


What if only one Joy-Con connects? 

Another issue Switch users can encounter is Joy-Con connectivity problems. This can often be corrected by ensuring that your Switch is being constantly updated. Sometimes, without realizing it, we can miss many crucial updates provided by Nintendo. These updates are very important for the health of our gaming consoles and often, if missed, can be the cause of problems such as, Joy-Con connectivity issues. If you are experiencing a stubborn Joy-Con, make sure that your Switch has downloaded the latest software update. 


My Joy-Con calibration is off. How can I fix it?

The best way to deal with a Joy-Con who’s calibration is off is to recalibrate your controller. To do this, select “System Settings” on your Switch. In this menu, scroll down and select “Controllers & Sensors”. From there, select “Calibrate Control Sticks” and follow the instructions given. Once this process is complete, your Joy-Con should reflect the new calibration. If you do not see this immediately, try turning your Switch off and then back on. Your Switch now should reflect the recalibration.


Can Joy-Con drift be fixed for free?

If the drift you are experiencing in your Joy-Con is due to a hardware issue then Nintendo might be able to help you out. This is a part of their “Joy-Con Repair Program” which was implemented after many Joy-Cons were found with unexplained hardware issues causing drift. 

If you have followed the steps outlined above and ruled out, minor software problems or dirt & grime as the culprit – you may need to send in your Joy-Con controllers to Nintendo, where they will repair them for free. You can start this process by visiting the Joy-Con Repair Program website operated by Nintendo via this link: 


How long does a Joy-Con repair take?

The general consensus seems to indicate that Joy-Con repairs by Nintendo take roughly 2 weeks. Some people have reported a turn-around of as quick as 3 days. Considering this is a free service provided by Nintendo, it is possible that you may encounter a longer repair wait time. That being said, people seem to be very happy with the results of their fixed Joy-Con controllers and encourage others to take advantage of this program.

What about Nintendo Switch Lite Joy-Con drift?

Unfortunately, the Joy-Con issue isn’t limited to just the traditional Switch console. It has also popped up as a problem for Switch Lite users as well. Drifting controllers on the Switch Lite are a little more difficult to fix, since the controllers can’t be disconnected, replaced or sent in separately from the console for repair. If you are experiencing controller issues on your Lite, you can follow the same steps outlined in the above “Drift Fixes” section of this article. They’re helpful steps for fixing it at home. 


If the at-home remedies above don’t seem to fix the drift in your Switch Lite, we recommend you reach out to Nintendo directly to see about taking advantage of their repair program, or give them a call or calling them at 1 (800) 255-3700. If your Joy-Con issues aren’t covered by Nintendo, you’re always welcome to bring it in to your local uBreakiFix. We’re experts at fixing all kinds of tech, and our diagnostics are always free.

The Nintendo Switch is a truly awesome console. However, Joy-Con drift issues can take the “joy” out of gaming for even the biggest Nintendo fans. We hope that this article has helped you understand how drift occurs, ways to hopefully avoid this all-too-common issue, and the steps to remedy the problem if it comes up. With any luck, you can go back to doing what you love most. Happy gaming! 


The post 8 Ways to Fix Joy-Con Drift for Good appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

Thursday 22 October 2020

How to Recover a Water-Damaged iPhone

Expert “Do’s & Don’ts” for

iPhone Water Damage Recovery

Mitigate damage before it starts! Check out these tips from our experts on what you should (and shouldn’t!) do when your iPhone accidentally encounters a spill.




DO NOT: Put your iPhone in a bag of dry rice!

Although this trick is recommended in thousands of blogs and videos, it may damage your iPhone. Dust and grit will make their way into the inside of your iPhone, and you are wasting a bag of good rice.


DO NOT: Shake or tilt your iPhone!

Water may spill and damage/corrode more internal components if you start to shake a wet phone. Don’t risk it.


DO NOT: Put your iPhone in a freezer!

People often put their iPhones in a freezer to prevent water from spreading. The problem? Once you take the iPhone out, the frozen water melts and spreads to other parts anyway. Another reason not to freeze your iPhone is that low temperatures damage your device. iPhones operate under a standard temperature of 0-35 degrees Celsius. A freezer can operate at 0 degrees Celsius, or even lower. Sticking your iPhone in a freezer can cause permanent damage.


DO NOT: Use isopropyl alcohol to dry it out!

Isopropyl alcohol is generally diluted with water. If you wipe your phone down with 60% isopropyl alcohol to try to dry it out, bad news. You’re still exposing your iPhone to more liquid (and more potential problems). You don’t want to cause more damage to your damaged iPhone, right? Besides, isopropyl is extremely conductive, which can cause further electrical issues.


DO NOT: Blow-dry your iPhone!

A blow dryer is for your hair and not your phone. Using a blow dryer will only push water deeper into your iPhone and lead to even more damage. This is a desperate solution, and one that’s unlikely to work the way you’re hoping it will. Save the blow-dryer for your next date, and keep it far away from your expensive tech.


DO NOT: Put it in the oven, either!

The dangers of this ill-advised tip should be clear. Your device is less likely to dry out, and far more likely to overheat. You’re risking melting crucial internal components by treating your iPhone like a casserole. Keep your phone out of the oven.






DO: Turn the phone off immediately.

This is one of the first steps you should take if your iPhone gets wet. Turning off your phone will prevent water from coursing through your internal components, and reduces the chance of a short circuit occurring.


DO: Remove your iPhone case.

Remove any objects surrounding your phone when it gets wet ASAP. Taking off your case will help you find and dry off any trapped liquids. Leave it off until your phone is fully dry to ensure any lingering moisture evaporates.


DORemove your SIM Card slot.

Like your case, a SIM slot can easily trap water inside a phone. After you take off your case, locate your SIM slot (if your iPhone has one). Use a pin to eject the SIM and dry everything off.


DOWipe your iPhone with an absorbent cloth.

Dry it off as well as you possibly can, but try to use a piece of cloth that won’t lead to lint getting stuck in any important places. Microfiber or a clean paper towel are good options.


DOLet it dry for as long as possible.

If possible, wait for a week to ensure your iPhone is completely free of water. At the very least, you should wait for least 48-72 hours. If there’s any visible moisture, wait another 24 hours. It’s better to exercise caution when it comes to tech.


DO: Wait a while before turning it on again.

Water conducts electricity. So when you run an electrical charge through a damp circuit, it’s bound to cause issues. If you don’t want to fry your motherboard, we highly recommend not using a device that’s recently suffered from liquid damage.


DO: Seek professional assistance.

If you’re stuck with a broken phone, your best bet is to get help from a technician with vast experience in iPhone repairs. Try to pick one that’s got a great track record in the repair industry, and that offers a price match policy so you’re guaranteed a great deal. We recommend your local uBreakiFix!


The post How to Recover a Water-Damaged iPhone appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

from uBreakiFix Blog

4 iPhone Screen Repair Myths Explained

Mobile phones have rapidly adapted from a vital method of communication to a multipurpose generational necessity. And iPhones are at the forefront of this change, getting faster and better with each generation. Unfortunately, even Apple’s powerful technology is susceptible to cracks and breaks. If you’re looking for answers for your broken screen, keep reading: in this blog, we’ll be breaking down four common myths about iPhone screen repair every tech-user should know. 



“There’s no point in fixing a broken screen if it still works.”

Many iPhone users continue to use their gadgets long after their screen cracks or a piece of glass falls off without thinking twice about it. These practices often stem from ignorance, more than anything else. After all, how much does an average iPhone screen repair cost? And if the phone is still working, that means repairs can wait; right?


If a little liquid spills on that cracked screen, it’s toast.

By repairing it right away, tech-lovers can protect their phone from further damage.

The kind of damage that can’t be fixed. 

People tend to overestimate the cost of an iPhone screen repair, and wind up tolerating damaged devices for way longer than they need to. Instead of continually recharging that quickly draining battery or trying to scroll on a crushed screen, consider a simple iPhone repair instead. It’s a much more cost-effective way to get an iPhone working efficiently again. 



“Getting a new phone is faster than an iPhone screen repair.”

In the modern world, we’ve gotten used to disposable electronics. We tend to throw away stuff that’s been damaged instead of fixing it. Because of this, a lot of people mistakenly assume a screen repair is impossible, or that it would cost as much as a brand-new iPhone. The truth is out:

An iPhone screen repair is faster, more convenient, and more cost-effective.

At least, if you choose the right repair person for the job. Trust an inexperienced repair technician, and your iPhone screen repair could end up being a costly, time-consuming experience that ends in tears. If your phone is out of warranty, that goes double. Cost, service quality, and turnaround time are all factors you should consider when choosing how to repair a broken iPhone screen. 



“iPhone repairs cost just as much as a new phone.”

Buying a new iPhone is an expensive choice. An iPhone 11 is $750 that’s almost a thousand dollars! If your screen has cracks or your charging slot isn’t working properly, that doesn’t mean you have to go get a brand new phone.

At expertly certified shops like uBreakiFix, iPhone screen repairs typically cost less than $200. If a little fixing can stretch your device’s life by several months or years, obviously that’s the better option– for both your wallet and the environment. Plus, by extending the life of your device, when you decide to upgrade you’re certain to find a market full of newer hardware with even better features available.

Unless the phone shattered into a smithereens, repairing your iPhone screen is almost always a more reasonable option than buying a new one outright. Not only does this service help you save, but it also helps decrease your carbon footprint for a greener tomorrow.



“Screen repairs require you to mail in your device, and take weeks.”

If you’re in a hurry to have your working iPhone back again and worried that a repair will take too long time, think again. An iPhone screen repair can usually be completed in under two hours, and even the most severe damage doesn’t usually take more than a day or two.

 In fact, setting up a new iPhone can take up more time than actual repairs. This is an excellent option for those people who are always in a hurry to accomplish stuff. You might be working or have a tight schedule and cannot find time to go to a technician; well, you always have the option of mailing your iPhone or contacting the repair shop and requesting a pick-up. You might miss your phone, especially if you use it constantly, but in this case, a little patience pays off pretty quick. Your fixed phone will be back in your hands again quickly.



Look, we don’t recommend that you keep using your iPhone 4 forever. But running out for a replacement every time you clumsily crack your screen can be majorly detrimental. Especially for your wallet.

Generally speaking, repairing your device is almost always preferable to replacing it. New repair shops pop up every day, but not all of them are properly qualified. If you’re looking for a cheap iPhone repair service available, remember; a badly fixed device will cost way more in the long run. It’s crucial to find a competent, trustworthy repair technician who will fix your broken iPhone at a reasonable price. Do your research, and don’t be afraid to ask about their warranties or price-match policies.

As a leading iPhone repair shop, uBreakiFix offers a free diagnostic & quote; done on the spot by our in-house experts. With our diagnostic process, you know exactly what’s wrong with your device before you commit. Our price-match policy is truly unbeatable, and our repairs come with a complimentary 90-day warranty, valid at any of our stores nationwide.

The post 4 iPhone Screen Repair Myths Explained appeared first on uBreakiFix Blog.

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